Web Servers

[none of the links work yet. will update once i'm back]

KoBaMIN - KnOwledge Based MINimization server for protein structure refinement for protein structure refinement with stereochemistry optimization and calculation of CaRMS, GDT-TS and GDT-HA with the reference structure.

BINDNET - Predict BINDing NETwork between user specified small molecules with selected structural proteomes of interest.

ProtinfoDOCK - Fast and flexible Protein information based ligand DOCKing

  • A flexible protein-ligand docking methodology to predict structures of protein/ligand complexes. Given a protein structure, a ligand, and a binding site location, this module will determine five different possible protein/ligand poses. For each pose, the module reports a score that assesses the goodness-of-fit, or likelihood, that the given pose is a physically realistic. If no binding site is given the server will predict the location of functionally relevant binding site.

MFSMutate - Meta Functional Signature for analyzing Mutated protein residues

  • Given protein sequence in fasta format, the mfsMutate server module will return a prediction of meta-functional signature: a score for each residue in the sequence indicating its relative functional importance.

BITS - Binding site Information To guide model Selection

  • A computational protocol for model quality assessment using binding site comparisons to judge the quality of the models using the premise that binding sites are more conserved than sequence or structure.

STRINGS - Selection of Templates Recursively by INteGrating exhaustive Strategies

  • Automated protein 3D structure prediction server. Split the protein sequence recursively, align different combinations to identify domains and use multiple templates for modeling. Final selection based on threading and alignment scores.

MATRIX - Methodology for Accurate Template Recognition for predictIng X [X = proteins]

  • Automated protein 3D structure prediction server. Multiple threading programs and templates used for alignment. Combine restraints from multiple threading alignments and select templates by combining binding site information.

CANDO-NET - Proteome interaction network for drug discovery

  • The CANDO interaction NETwork predict all human approved drugs/compounds which interacts with the user defined druggable proteins / proteome of interest or shows a pre-calculated interaction network for a selected indication/disease.

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